2020 was the corona year. Almost all musical events in Germany were suspended or changed into some online forms. The poor Mr. Beethoven, for whose 250th birthday a lot of great concerts had been planned, had to suffer a lot- most of them could not carried out. As for me, I could console myself a little bit because I had an opportunity to play three of his piano sonatas just one day before the beginning of a strict lockdown.
I visited a school friend in French Riviera in August, when the corona infection rate was somewhat diminished and the travel restrictions were a little eased. Furthermore, I finally visited Japan in November, where after 2 weeks quarantine I enjoyed a very beautiful autumn color (photo: Shisendo-Temple in Kyoto). When I came back to Germany a month later, the corona infection-rate got sharply upward and a very strict lockdown came again.
Mariko Mitsuyu
Pianist & Accompanist